JA Dance Studio Covid - 19 Policy & Procedures
JA Dance Studio prioritises the health and well-being of its clients and instructor.
In accordance with Government Guidelines a risk assessment has been carried out and following are the safety measures to be observed when visiting a studio. The objective is to keep everyone safe and minimise the risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19 amongst clients and staff.
To ensure the safety of yourselves and others in class carefully read the below policy and apply procedure when visiting studio classes.
· Appropriately clean the studio space before classes.
· Sanitise Barres before and after all Barre classes.
· Provide hand sanitiser on entry to the studio (we recommend you also bring your own).
· Ensure our Instructor operates a ‘no hands on’ correction giving clear verbal and visual cues.
· Ensure our Instructor washes their hands before and after each class.
· Ventilation - studios will be sufficiently ventilated and some have an internal / external fresh air supply unit.
· Sanitise touch points eg. door handles & light switches before and after class.
Clients will…
· Wash and sanitise hands before and after class.
· Bring your own mat and props to class (this applies to Floor Barre, clients require their own mat and small cushion)
· NOT attend class if you are feeling unwell or if you or anyone in your household show signs/symptoms of Covid. Please refer to https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus .
Agree to catch coughs and sneezes in tissues and dispose of immediately.